Think of two sets that can only be matched together. For example, for those that believe in traditional marriage you can think of $n$ females and $n$ males. Suppose that we know much happiness each marriage would bring, and assume marriage only brings postive happiness. How should we match couples to maximize happiness?
In another scenario, suppose we have $n$ items and $n$ bidders, and we know how much each bidder is willing to pay for each item. Also, assume each bidder can only bid on at most $1$ item. To whom should we sell each item to maximize our profit?
We can model this scenario with a complete bipartite graph $G = (X,Y,E)$, where $X$ and $Y$ are two disjoint sets of vertices such that every vertex in $X$ is connected to every in $Y$, but within $X$ and within $Y$ no vertices are connected. That is, $(x,y) \in E \Leftrightarrow x \in X \wedge y \in Y$. Each edge has a weight $w_{xy}.$ In our two examples, $w_{xy}$ is the happiness from the marriage of female $x$ and male $y$ or how much item $x$ is worth to bidder $y$.
We want to match or assign each element of $X$ to a distinct element of $Y$. Thus, we have the so-called Assignment Problem. Here, I'll detail how the Hungarian method solves this.
First, we need to introduce some definitions for the algorithm to make sense.
Graph Theory
The technical definition of a matching is a set $M$ of non-adjacent edges, that is, no two edges in the set share a common vertex. However, I always prefered to think of matching as pairs of vertices connected by an edge such that each only vertex appears in at most 1 pair. Here's an example, where I have colored the matching in red:
In this case, $M = \{(x_1,y_1),(x_3,y_4),(x_4,y_2)\}.$
Perfect Matching
A matching is maximal if adding any other edge makes it not a matching. Another way to think about this is in terms of sets. The maximal matching cannot be a proper subset of any other matching.
Now, matching is perfect if it contains all vertices. For instance,
is a perfect matching, where $M = \{(x_1,y_3),(x_2,y_1),(x_3,y_4),(x_4,y_2)\}.$
Alternating Path
Now, one way of representing matchings is to break them up into paths. An alternating path is composed of edges, where every other edge is part of a matching. For example, this is an alternating path, where I have colored edges in the path red and blue, and red edges are part of the matching.
A path is just an ordered set of edges, where two adjacent edges share a common vertex. Our path is $x_1 \rightarrow y_2 \rightarrow x_4 \rightarrow y_1 \rightarrow x_2,$ and the corresponding matching is $M = \left\{(x_4,y_2), (x_2,y_1)\right\}.$
Augmenting Path
An augmenting path is a particular kind of alternating path, in which the first and last vertex in the path is unmatched. Thus, by flipping the edges in the matching, we will get a matching that contains an additional vertex. Formally, consider the augmenting path $P$. Clearly, it must contain an odd number of edges. If $M$ is the corresponding matching, then it contains the even numbered edges in the path $P$. We can make a new larger matching $P-M$ that contains the odd numbered edges. Here's an example of this process.
Let us suppose the graph looks like this, where I only draw the edges from one vertex in $X$ at a time for clarity.
We assign each vertex a nonnegative integer label. Formally, this labeling is a function, $L: X \cup Y \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}.$ Let $w(x,y)$ be the weight of the edge from vertex $x$ and $y.$ An an edge $(x,y)$ is considered feasible is $L(x) + L(y) \geq w(x,y).$ A labeling is feasible if $L(x) + L(y) \geq w(x,y)$ for all $x$ and $y$.
Moreover, we define an equality subgraph, $G_L = (X,Y,E_L)$, associated with a labeling as follows: $(x,y) \in E_L \Leftrightarrow L(x) + L(y) = w(x,y).$
For example, given a specific labeling, here's the equality subgraph, where I've colored the feasible edges in black and the edges in the equality subgraph in green.
To me, it's not at all obvious why a labeling would be helpful, but this theorem connects everything.
If a perfect matching exists in an equality subgraph of a feasible labeling $L$, then it is a maximum weighted matching.
Here's a proof. Let $M$ be the perfect matching in the equality subgraph of labeling $L$. Let $M^\prime$ be an alternative perfect matching. Then, we have that the value of the matching $M^\prime$ is \begin{align*} \sum_{(x,y) \in M^\prime} w(x,y) &\leq \sum_{(x,y) \in M^\prime} L(x) + L(y)~~~\text{since $L$ is feasible}\\ &= \sum_{(x,y) \in M} L(x) + L(y) \\ &= \sum_{(x,y) \in M} w(x,y), \end{align*} which is the value of the matching $M.$
Thus, our problem reduces to find a perfect matching in the equality subgraph of a feasible labeling.
Hungarian Method
Now, we know enough terminology to describe the algorithm. The main idea is to iteratively find augmenting paths in the equality subgraph until all vertices in $X$ are matched. If such a path cannot be created, we need to modify the labeling so that the labeling contains additional edges but remains feasible.
- Initialize with a feasible labeling.
- Initialize two sets to keep track of vertices in alternating path. $S \subseteq X$ and $T \subseteq Y.$ Initialize with $S = T = \emptyset.$
- Pick an unmatched vertex $x \in X.$ Put it in a set called $S.$
There are two options here:
- If there is a vertex $y \in Y - T \cap N(S),$ where $N(S)$ denotes the neighbors of the vertices in $S$ in the equality subgraph, then put $y$ in $T.$ This means that we add $y$ to our path. For the $x \in S$ such that $L(x) + L(y) = w(x,y)$, set $x$ as the previous vertex in the current alternating path.
- Otherwise, fix the labeling. Let $\Delta_y = \inf\{L(x) + L(y) - w(x, y) : x \in S\}.$ Let $\Delta = \inf\{\Delta_y : y \in Y - T\}.$ For each $x \in S,$ $L^\prime(x) = L(x) - \Delta.$ For each $y \in T,$ $L^\prime(y) = L(y) + \Delta.$ In this way, all edges remain feasible. Consider various $e = (x,y)$:
- If $x \not\in S$ and $y \not\in T$, $e$ is still feasible since we didn't touch the labels of $x$ and $y$. If this edge is part of the equality subgraph, and these vertices are matched, they still are.
- If $x \in S$ and $y \in T$, we decreased $L(x)$ by $\Delta$ and increased $L(y)$ by $\Delta$, so $L(x) + L(y) = w(x,y)$ still.
- If $x \in S$ and $y \not\in T$, $e$ is still feasible since we have decreased $L(x)$ by the minimum of all such $\Delta_y.$
If $x \not\in S$ and $y \in T$, we only increased $L(y)$, so the edge is more feasible in a sense.
Now, if $\Delta_y = \Delta$ for $y \in Y - T,$ then $y$ becomes and element of $N(S),$ and we can return to step 4.
- Now, we have just put $y \in T$. We have two cases here:
- $y$ is umatched. Add $y$ to end end of the alternating path. Our alternating path starts with some umatched vertex in $x \in S$ and ends with unmatched $y.$ We have an augmenting path, so create a new bigger matching by inverting our path. Count the number of matched vertices. If it is $n$, we are done. Otherwise, go back to step 2 and repeat.
- $y$ is already matched, say, to $x^\prime$. We add two vertices to our path, so our path looks like $$x \longrightarrow \cdots \longrightarrow y \longrightarrow x^\prime,$$ where $x \in S$ is an umatched vertex. Go to step 4 to find more vertices to add to our path.
The algorithm is simple enough, but there are few complications in implementing it, particularly, finding an efficient way to calculate $\Delta$. If you read carefully, you'll note that if $|Y| \geq |X|,$ we will still find the optimal match since we will use the edges of higher value first. Let $|X| = n$ and $|Y| = m.$ Let us define various data structures:
vector<bool> S(n, false)
: keeps track of the $X$ vertices in our current alternating pathvector<int> xLabel(n, -1)
: labeling of vertices in $X$vector<int> yLabel(m, 0)
: labeling of vertices in $Y$vector<int> slack(m, INT_MAX)
$= \Delta_y$vector<int> prevX(n, -1)
is the vertex in $Y$ that comes before $x$ in our alternating pathvector<int> prevY(m, -1)
is the vertex in $X$ that comes before $y$ in our alternating pathvector<int> xToY(n, -1)
: $x$ is matched toxToY[x]
in $Y$vector<int> yToX(m, -1)
: $y$ is matched toyToX[y]
in $X$stack<int, vector<int>> sStack
keeps track of the vertices that need to be added to $S$. A queue would work just as well.queue<int> tQueue
keeps track of the vertices that are eligible to be added to $T$ (neighbors of $S$ in equality subgraph that aren't in $T$ already). A stack would work just as well.
Our input will be const vector<vector<int>> &weights
, which a $n \times m$ matrix of edge weights. We will return xToY
when all vertices in $X$ are matched.
Let's go over the implementation step-by-step:
We initialize all the data structures. To create an initial feasible labeling, we set $L(y) = 0$ for all $y \in Y$ and set $L(x) = \max_{y \in Y}w(x,y).$ This is an $O(NM)$ operation. We set the number of matches to $0$ and also push an umatched vertex into
. Here's the code:vector<int> findMaximumAssignment(const vector<vector<int>> &weights) { int N = weights.size(); if (N == 0) return vector<int>(); int M = weights.back().size(); if (N > M) throw logic_error("|X| > |Y|, no match is possible"); vector<bool> S(N, false); // set to keep track of vertices in X on the left in alternating path vector<int> xLabel(N, -1); vector<int> yLabel(M, 0); vector<int> slack(M, INT_MAX); // keep track of how far Y is from being matched with a vertex in S for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { // initialize label with max edge to Y for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) xLabel[i] = max(xLabel[i], weights[i][j]); } // array for memorizing alternating path vector<int> prevX(N, -1); // prevX[i] is vertex on the right (in Y) that comes before i in X vector<int> prevY(M, -1); // prevY[j] is vertex on the left (in X) that comes before j in Y if slack[j] == 0; otherwise, closest vertex in S // maps to keep track of assignment vector<int> xToY(N, -1); // xToY[i] is vertex on the right (in Y) matched to i in X vector<int> yToX(M, -1); // yToX[j] is vertex on the left (in X) matched to j in Y stack<int, vector<int>> sStack; // vertices to add to S queue<int> tQueue; // neighbors of S to add to T int matches = 0; sStack.push(0); // initialize with unmatched vertex while (matches < N) { ... } return xToY; }
Right now $S$ and $T$ are empty. The first order of business is to add something to $S$. When we add to $S$, we initialize
, find the closest vertex in $S$ to each $y \in Y$, and add neighbors in the equality subgraph totQueue
. By closest vertex, I mean the vertex that would require changing the labeling the least. Here's the code.vector<int> findMaximumAssignment(const vector<vector<int>> &weights) { ... while (matches < N) { while (!sStack.empty()) { // add unmatched vertices to S int x = sStack.top(); sStack.pop(); S[x] = true; for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) { if (xLabel[x] + yLabel[j] - weights[x][j] < slack[j]) { // check for neighboring vertices and initialize slack slack[j] = xLabel[x] + yLabel[j] - weights[x][j]; // slack >= 0, all feasible initially, and we decrease by min prevY[j] = x; // tree looks like ... --> x -?-> j depending if slack[j] == 0 or not if (slack[j] == 0) tQueue.push(j); // edge is in equality subgraph, it is a neighbor of S } } } ... } return xToY; }
Now, we have two options depending if
is empty or not. IftQueue
is empty, we fix the labeling. We'll restart the while loop with an emptysStack
and at least 1 vertex intQueue
after this.vector<int> findMaximumAssignment(const vector<vector<int>> &weights) { ... while (matches < N) { ... if (tQueue.empty()) { // no neighboring vertices, fix labeling // loop invariant is that |S| > |T|, since we add to S whenever we add pop from tQueue int delta = INT_MAX; for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) { if (slack[j] > 0) delta = min(delta, slack[j]); // only try to add edges that are feasible and not in T } for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (S[i]) xLabel[i] -= delta; // decrease label of vertices in S } for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) { if (slack[j] == 0) { // it's in T yLabel[j] += delta; } else if (slack[j] > 0 && prevY[j] != -1) { // check that it's feasible and connected to S slack[j] -= delta; // decrease the distance from S since labels in S were decreased if (slack[j] == 0) tQueue.push(j); } } } else { ... } } return xToY; }
Now, we have ensured
won't be empty. Again, we have two options here depending if the vertex at the head of the queue is matched or not. Let us first deal with chase where it is already matched, so we extend our alternating path with $\cdots \rightarrow y \rightarrow x^\prime.$ Then, we restart our while loop with $x^\prime$ insStack
since $x^\prime$ is part of the path now, too.vector<int> findMaximumAssignment(const vector<vector<int>> &weights) { ... while (matches < N) { ... if (tQueue.empty()) { // no neighboring vertices, fix labeling ... } else { // either augment path or vertex is already matched so add to S int y = tQueue.front(); tQueue.pop(); int x = yToX[y]; if (x == -1) { ... } else { // vertex was already matched, new path is [something umatched in S] --> ... --> prevY[y] --> y --> x prevX[x] = y; // update alternating path with edge between x and y, recall prevY[y] is already set sStack.push(x); // add this already matched vertex to S } } } return xToY; }
On the other hand, if the head of the queue $y$ is unmatched we have found an augmenting path to invert to create a new matching. After establishing this new matching, discard our alternating path, clear $S$ and $T$, update
, and count the total matches. If the everything in $X$ is matched, we're done. Otherwise, put something insStack
, so we can begin building our new alternating path.vector<int> findMaximumAssignment(const vector<vector<int>> &weights) { ... while (matches < N) { ... if (tQueue.empty()) { // no neighboring vertices, fix labeling ... } else { // either augment path or vertex is already matched so add to S int y = tQueue.front(); tQueue.pop(); int x = yToX[y]; if (x == -1) { int currentY = y; while (currentY > -1) { // new path is [something unmatched in S] --> ... --> y int currentX = prevY[currentY]; // go to left side xToY[currentX] = currentY; yToX[currentY] = currentX; currentY = prevX[currentX]; // go back to right side } for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) prevX[i] = -1, S[i] = false; // reset path and remove everything from tree for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) prevY[j] = -1, slack[j] = INT_MAX; // reset path and slack while (!tQueue.empty()) tQueue.pop(); // empty queue // check for a perfect match matches = 0; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { if (xToY[i] != -1) { // if matched ++matches; } else if (sStack.empty()) { sStack.push(i); // put an unmatched left side node back in S to start } } } else { // vertex was already matched, new path is [something umatched in S] --> ... --> prevY[y] --> y --> x ... } } } return xToY; }
All in all, the algorithm is $O(n^2m)$ since every time we build an augmenting path we match a vertex in $X$, of which there are $n$. We enter the main loop as often as $n$ times since our path can be upto length $2n$. There are several steps in the loop where we iterate over $Y$, which has size $m$, such as computing the slack or fixing labels. Here's the whole function together:
/* hungarian method for maximum weighted matching of a bipartite graph
* Consider a weighted bipartite graph G = (X,Y). X is vertices on left side, Y is vertices on the right side
* We must have |X| <= |Y|. Match each vertex on the left to the a distinct vertex on the right with maximum total weight of edges
vector<int> findMaximumAssignment(const vector<vector<int>> &weights) {
int N = weights.size();
if (N == 0) return vector<int>();
int M = weights.back().size();
if (N > M) throw logic_error("|X| > |Y|, no match is possible");
vector<bool> S(N, false); // set to keep track of vertices in X on the left in alternating path
vector<int> xLabel(N, -1);
vector<int> yLabel(M, 0);
vector<int> slack(M, INT_MAX); // keep track of how far Y is from being matched with a vertex in S
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { // initialize label with max edge to Y
for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) xLabel[i] = max(xLabel[i], weights[i][j]);
// array for memorizing alternating path
vector<int> prevX(N, -1); // prevX[i] is vertex on the right (in Y) that comes before i in X
vector<int> prevY(M, -1); // prevY[j] is vertex on the left (in X) that comes before j in Y if slack[j] == 0; otherwise, closest vertex in S
// maps to keep track of assignment
vector<int> xToY(N, -1); // xToY[i] is vertex on the right (in Y) matched to i in X
vector<int> yToX(M, -1); // yToX[j] is vertex on the left (in X) matched to j in Y
stack<int, vector<int>> sStack; // vertices to add to S
queue<int> tQueue; // neighbors of S to add to T
int matches = 0;
sStack.push(0); // initialize with unmatched vertex
while (matches < N) {
while (!sStack.empty()) { // add unmatched vertices to S
int x = sStack.top(); sStack.pop();
S[x] = true;
for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
if (xLabel[x] + yLabel[j] - weights[x][j] < slack[j]) { // check for neighboring vertices and initialize slack
slack[j] = xLabel[x] + yLabel[j] - weights[x][j]; // slack >= 0, all feasible initially, and we decrease by min
prevY[j] = x; // tree looks like ... --> x -?-> j depending if slack[j] == 0 or not
if (slack[j] == 0) tQueue.push(j); // edge is in equality subgraph, it is a neighbor of S
if (tQueue.empty()) { // no neighboring vertices, fix labeling
// loop invariant is that |S| > |T|, since we add to S whenever we add pop from tQueue
int delta = INT_MAX;
for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
if (slack[j] > 0) delta = min(delta, slack[j]); // only try to add edges that are feasible and not in T
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (S[i]) xLabel[i] -= delta; // decrease label of vertices in S
for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) {
if (slack[j] == 0) { // it's in T
yLabel[j] += delta;
} else if (slack[j] > 0 && prevY[j] != -1) { // check that it's feasible and connected to S
slack[j] -= delta; // decrease the distance from S since labels in S were decreased
if (slack[j] == 0) tQueue.push(j);
} else { // either augment path or vertex is already matched so add to S
int y = tQueue.front(); tQueue.pop();
int x = yToX[y];
if (x == -1) {
int currentY = y;
while (currentY > -1) { // new path is [something unmatched in S] --> ... --> y
int currentX = prevY[currentY]; // go to left side
xToY[currentX] = currentY; yToX[currentY] = currentX;
currentY = prevX[currentX]; // go back to right side
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) prevX[i] = -1, S[i] = false; // reset path and remove everything from tree
for (int j = 0; j < M; ++j) prevY[j] = -1, slack[j] = INT_MAX; // reset path and slack
while (!tQueue.empty()) tQueue.pop(); // empty queue
// check for a perfect match
matches = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (xToY[i] != -1) { // if matched
} else if (sStack.empty()) {
sStack.push(i); // put an unmatched left side node back in S to start
} else { // vertex was already matched, new path is [something umatched in S] --> ... --> prevY[y] --> y --> x
prevX[x] = y; // update alternating path with edge between x and y, recall prevY[y] is already set
sStack.push(x); // add this already matched vertex to S
return xToY;
Sample Run
Using our graph, we will intialize with all $L(x) = 10$ for all $x \in X$ and $L(y) = 0$ for all $y \in Y$. In the first run, we greedily match $x_1$ to $y_1$. I'll omit feasible edges since all edges are always feasbile. I'll denote edges in the equality subgraph in green, matches in orange, edges in the alternating path and matching in red, and edges in the alternating path not in matching in blue.
On the second run, we add umatched $x_2$ to $S$. Only $y_1$ is a neighbor of $S$, so we add $y_1$ to $T$. $y_1$ is already matched to $x_1$, so we add $x_1$ to $S$, too.
Now, $S$ has no neighbors in the equality subgraph not in $T$, so we need to fix the labeling. We find that $(x_1,y_4)$ is the edge that is closest to being in the equality subgraph. We fix our labeling, add $y_4$ to $T$, then invert our augmenting path to get a new matching.
The other vertices will be greedily matched, so we end up with the total weight being 39.
Case Study
My motivation for learning this algorithm was Costly Labels in Round 2 of the 2016 Facebook Hacker Cup. Given a tree (a graph with such that there is exactly one path that doesn't cross itself between any two vertices), we want to color the vertices to minimize the cost. Coloring vertex $i$ color $k$ costs us $C_{i,k}$, which is given. Also, if any of the vertices neighbors are of the same color, then we have to pay a penalty factor $P$.
The number of colors and vertices is rather small, so we can solve this using some clever brute force with dynamic programming. To my credit, I actually was able to discover the general dynamic programming regime, myself.
We take advantage of the tree structure. Suppose for each vertex, we compute $K(i, k_p, k_i)$, where $i$ is the current vertex, $k_p$ is the color of the parent, and $k_i$ is the color of $i$. $K(i, k_p, k_i)$ will be the minimum cost of this vertex plus all its children. Our solution will be $\min_k K(0, 0, k)$ if we root our tree at vertex $0$.
Now, $K(i, k_p, k_i) = \min(\text{cost with penalty},\text{cost without penalty})$. The cost with penalty is to greedily color all the child vertices than add $P$. The cost without penalty is where the Hungarian method comes in. We need to assign each child a color different than the parent in way that costs least. Thus, we view $X$ as children of the current vertex and $Y$ as colors. We can modify the Hungarian method to do this by setting edge weights to be $M - w(x,y)$, where $M$ is a large number. We give edges going to the parent color weight $0$, so they won't be used.
All in all, we have a solution that is just barely fast enough as it takes around 30 seconds to run on my computer.
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
/* hungarian method for maximum weighted matching of a bipartite graph
* Consider a weighted bipartite graph G = (X,Y). X is vertices on left side, Y is vertices on the right side
* We must have |X| <= |Y|. Match each vertex on the left to the a distinct vertex on the right with maximum total weight of edges
vector<int> findMaximumAssignment(const vector<vector<int>> &weights) {
return xToY;
struct Tree {
int root;
vector<int> parent;
vector<set<int>> children;
explicit Tree(int root, int N) : root(root), parent(N, -1), children(N) { }
// root the tree, undefined behavior if graph is not a tree
Tree rootTree(int root, const vector<set<int>> &adjacencyList) {
int N = adjacencyList.size();
Tree tree(root, N);
tree.parent[root] = -1;
stack<int> s; s.push(root);
while (!s.empty()) {
int currentVertex = s.top(); s.pop();
for (int nextVertex : adjacencyList[currentVertex]) {
if (nextVertex != tree.parent[currentVertex]) { // don't recurse into parent
if (tree.parent[nextVertex] != -1) throw logic_error("a cycle was found, this graph is not a tree");
tree.parent[nextVertex] = currentVertex;
return tree;
int computeMinimumCostHelper(const Tree &tree, const vector<vector<int>> &C, int P,
int vertex, int parentColor, int vertexColor,
vector<vector<vector<int>>> &memo) {
int N = C.size(); // number of vertices
int K = C.back().size(); // number of colors
if (memo[vertex][parentColor][vertexColor] != -1) return memo[vertex][parentColor][vertexColor];
int parent = tree.parent[vertex];
int minCost = C[vertex][vertexColor] + P; // first calculate cost if we're willing to take penalty
vector<vector<int>> childCostByColor; childCostByColor.reserve(tree.children[vertex].size()); // prepare for computation without penalty
for (int child : tree.children[vertex]) {
int minChildCost = INT_MAX;
childCostByColor.emplace_back(); childCostByColor.back().reserve(K);
for (int childColor = 0; childColor < K; ++childColor) {
int childCost = computeMinimumCostHelper(tree, C, P, child, vertexColor, childColor, memo);
// weight 0 effectively ensures that the parent color will not be used for the children, invert edges to find max assignment
childCostByColor.back().push_back(parent != -1 && parentColor == childColor ? 0 : INT_MAX - childCost);
minChildCost = min(minChildCost, childCost); // if we're taking penalty just take min cost
minCost += minChildCost;
// only count parent if it exists, check that we don't have too many childen
if (childCostByColor.size() < K || (parent == -1 && childCostByColor.size() == K)) {
int noPenaltyCost = C[vertex][vertexColor];
vector<int> optimalAssignment = findMaximumAssignment(childCostByColor); // assign children to distinct colors
for (int i = 0; i < optimalAssignment.size(); ++i) noPenaltyCost += INT_MAX - childCostByColor[i][optimalAssignment[i]];
minCost = min(minCost, noPenaltyCost);
if (parent == -1) {
for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) memo[vertex][k][vertexColor] = minCost; // doesn't matter what parent color is if no parent
} else {
memo[vertex][parentColor][vertexColor] = minCost;
return minCost;
int computeMinimumCost(const Tree &tree, const vector<vector<int>> &C, int P) {
int N = C.size(); // number of vertices
int K = C.back().size(); // number of colors
// memo[vertex index][parent color][vertex color] = cost of coloring current vertex and children (excludes parent cost)
vector<vector<vector<int>>> memo(N, vector<vector<int>>(K, vector<int>(K, -1)));
int minimumCost = INT_MAX;
for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) { // vary color of root since root has no parent
minimumCost = min(minimumCost,
computeMinimumCostHelper(tree, C, P, tree.root, 0, k, memo));
return minimumCost;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
clock_t startTime = clock();
ios::sync_with_stdio(false); cin.tie(NULL);
int T;
cin >> T;
for (int t = 1; t <= T; ++t) {
int N, K, P; cin >> N >> K >> P; // total vertices, max label, and penalty fee
// penalty occurs when a node has at least one pair of neighbors with same nodes
vector<vector<int>> C; C.reserve(N); // C[i][j] cost of coloring vertex i, j
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
C.emplace_back(); C.back().reserve(K);
for (int j = 0; j < K; ++j) {
int c; cin >> c; C.back().push_back(c);
vector<set<int>> adjacencyList(N);
for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
int a, b; cin >> a >> b;
--a; --b; // convert to 0-based indexing
Tree tree = rootTree(0, adjacencyList);
cout << "Case #" << t << ": "
<< computeMinimumCost(tree, C, P)
<< '\n';
// finish
cout << flush;
double duration = (clock() - startTime) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cerr << "Time taken (seconds): " << duration << endl;
return 0;
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